Cable Moves, Adds, and Changes

Cable Moves, Adds, and Changes

At one time or another, most organizations experience changes that involve moving or adding staff, or transferring locations within an office.

Such Moves, Adds, and Changes (MACs) to telephone and network systems can often be disruptive and more complex than anticipated.

ConvergeOne dispatches highly skilled engineers and technicians to perform these MAC tasks quickly, efficiently, and professionally.

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A Move is a physical change to an equipment location based on the original plan or executed offering.

An Add requires the addition of services or equipment to the original plan or executed offering.

A Change is a modification to the original plan or executed offering and can be in the form of a physical or logical modification or a logical upgrade.

MAC assignments related to data services typically involve:

  • Adding a horizontal cable to a work area.
  • Moving an existing cable from one location to another.
  • Changing a cable drop location from one wall to another.
  • Testing existing fiber-optic connections.